Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Notes on Being A Rock-Star

I remember a friend asking me once before – Why be a ‘Rock Star’ and what is the fuss there all about anyway? Truly, anyone who knows me is aware that I don’t really fit the mold of a typical, or even a ‘would-be-rock-star’. So – why the title? Why must I *insist*?
Because Rock-Stars have a reputation for going against what is expected, of being strong (note my many references to throwing television sets out of hotel windows) and for being pigeon-holed – 
let’s include there the desire to break out of that stereo-typing by means of how they conduct themselves. (this latter part a tribute to those who use their fame as a means to promote worthy causes and issues that need to be heard, dealt with or addressed.)
I sing with more gusto than any real talent – like my life depends on it, mostly, but don’t expect me to always stay in tune. 
I dance, but only because I enjoy it or I like the song that’s playing.  I shy away from group dancing as I cannot (believe me, I’ve tried) follow the typical dance steps as seen on television. I don’t even dress like a Rock-star, given that I’m usually just in jeans and a tank-top, with scruffy Rubber shoes or my Rockport boots – which – actually serve to reinforce my ankles from buckling, more than any bid to look more “Rock-Star-ish”.
It isn’t just about talent, it is about ability. It is how you face the day to day drudgery that can be real life. It’s how you take the minute and remember to fill it with as much of yourself as you can possibly put in there. It is how you can BE yourself and not be too bored or disgusted with how little you feel you have accomplished in your long-long life 
(or what feels like a long life sometimes).
There will always be something to be thankful for, and although there will be many times you will feel like the most wretched creature that ever walked the face of the earth, all it takes is a few moments to “get over yourself” and realize how much luckier you are than most people in this without a doubt wretched society in which we now live. If you have a place to call home, have at least one or two people you trust enough to call when you are in serious trouble (aside from family, because they are usually ALWAYS there for you by default), and still have access to all your five senses (even if it might be slightly compromised – poor eyesight, faulty hearing) it’s still better than no access or nothing to your name whatsoever, right? Even when this might be the case – you’ve still got yourself, which, sometimes is all you need to keep living.
I might be sounding overly optimistic – think what you want. 
I have no control over that. But I do have control over what I think – so I’ll try to stick to that, thank you. I’d like to think that people make the best choices they think possible at every given moment or circumstance – and though we might not always like or agree with those choices, that doesn’t mean that they are the wrong ones.
For those who don’t agree with me, you have a choice – just close this tab and forget about the blog, or keep reading it. Hide or ignore me on Facebook, makes little or no difference to me. Ever wishing for World Peace, I’m not one to give out more olive branches than I actually have on-hand. I am not running as a candidate for sainthood, since to vie for that might not be consistent with my being a Rock Star. Haha.
To get on with it – There are days that even when nothing of particular importance has happened, you feel either elated or really dismayed. That’s part of life.  Sometimes it’s the dull moments that allow you to fully appreciate the times when the experience of being alive is so rich and rewarding. Remember the quiet and look forward to the gut-wrenching moments of laughter with friends and family – or the times when everything just feels right with the world and your life.
There’s always something to learn – not just by going to school or reading books and newspapers – but stuff to learn from things, people and circumstances around you.  I like to take the time to just take things in and see how I feel about them. This might easily be misconstrued as my not doing anything in particular, but I’d like to be able to determine for myself whether a current topic or happening is relevant to me, and how I personally wish to feel or respond (or not) to anything.
I’m not used to holding back – maybe this is something I should practice more? I have a tendency to react more than to reflect – but this is precisely why it’s important that I remember to tune everything and everyone out once in a while. Listen to myself and remind myself to – GET OVER YOURSELF.
I will sort of contradict Gnothi Seauton (Know Thyself) and say, know yourself to know others. Sometimes I fall prey to projecting and that becomes a hassle. I have to remember that sometimes, what annoys me about another person is actually something about myself that I probably don’t like very much. It isn’t so much the fault of the other person, but rather a shortcoming in MYSELF, that I refuse to see or acknowledge.
Life is a constant learning experience. The key, to being a Professional Human Being I suppose, is that you keep trying to stay Human and strive to be an even better one as you grow older. 
Someone who doesn’t just go through the motions of living, but  rather a person that tries to reach the fullest potential of being a Child of The Universe.
Walk your talk.
Look people in the eye and speak truthfully, or not at all.
Your right hand should know what your left hand is doing.
Keep your promises, and when you can’t – don’t make them.
Don’t say one thing and do another.
And please, do not preach and crow about how religious and right you are if you flout the very virtues which you claim to have by acting contrarily. If you know yourself enough – hopefully, you will know what your limitations (and capabilities) are.
I often fail to remember these things, but I do what I can to remember, because these are the rules which I try to live my life by. 
See what rules work for you. 
Gnothi Seauton.
You’ve got to know what the rules are, before you can break any of them. (or, you could also throw them out of a hotel window) ;-)
Be strong and take the moments as they come. Plan ahead whenever possible, but sometimes contingencies are in order even with the best laid plans. Be strong not just for others, but for yourself.
People will always have their notions of who you might be, or who you should be or who you “could” be – but only YOU can say for sure who you are. Listen to yourself. This is one of those times when it is okay to be self-centered. Listen to advice and feedback, but take a while to reflect and see what resonates best with who you are. From experience, I don’t think I was ever really happy when I just went along with something suggested to me, out of a sense of being polite. It had to be something suggested and followed because it felt right – of course you also need to consider if it is the right thing to do.
As I continue on my quest of getting to know who I am – let’s hope I make the world a better place to live in – in ways that, although insignificant, make little ripples in the fabric of reality – even if it is just MY reality.
Let’s Rock & Roll!!!

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