Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh, that's right! It's 2012!

I have been remiss.

My last entry was the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2011 and since then, it appears that life has gotten in the way of my blogging habit.

ok. excuses, excuses.

I must say though, I've been doing my best to keep up with life and the demands that come with it. The fun, not so fun, stressful, exhilarating, awesome, sometimes dreary, often interminable, but always engaging experience of simply being alive.

I've also been kept busy by the demands of raising a persistent puppy - a Yorkshire Terrier named Logan. Many days I firmly believe he is actually a Monk-eroo (a cross between a monkey and a kangaroo) I don't ever recall Tiger (mom's 14, soon to be 15 year old Yorkie) being quite as playful. But my days are full.

I also, as of late, have not been feeling as tip-top as in the early parts of 2011. No cause for alarm, I suppose it is just the course of the dis-ease running right along with me.

2012 has been good so far, I have several things I'd like to share on my blog which we can hope I will get to posting soon.

I just need to dust off the cobwebs in my brain and get my act together.

New friends, new plans, new habits, new experiences.

It was an exciting end of the year and a most intriguing start for another chapter in life.

Life remains good, The Universe is still working things out in our favor (yes, believe it or not!) and I have every intention of having a fantastic year ahead.

Keep me company, it'll be fun!

Rock & Roll people,Rock & Roll!!!


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