Maybe Alanis Morissette says it best - it IS Ironic.
One has to constantly work at being positive and practice mindfulness.
Just when you've got yourself convinced that life is golden, and that everything is
perfect something comes up to make all that positivity go black like a burned out light bulb.
The moment of epiphany quickly turns into a dark room with no windows in sight.
It is just so easy to slip into a destructive, non-productive frame of mind that makes it seem that living is so difficult.
Being alive can feel so...deathly tiring.
You live, you learn. Sometimes the hard way more often than not. You've usually got post-it notes taped in the most conspicuous spots, the bathroom mirror, by the computer, on the wall by your bed - notes that are part of the "landscape" of your everyday life that you end up not noticing they are even there. Then you might as well take down the scraps of colored paper littered around you.
Life doesn't stop till you're dead. You can either bitch about that, or just get on with the business of living and just take it a day at a time.
There is always someone who is having a harder (more boring, more tiring, more stressful, more drawn out, more challenging) life. It's all about perspective - and when you're down in the dumps, feeling like you're lying in the gutter all by your lonesome, if we stop the pitying ourselves long enough, you will look around and notice that - it's crowded down here in the gutter of hopelessness.
I often hear - Life isn't fair! Well, who says we deserve for it to be anything but?
Life is a challenge, an adventure that we either face as intrepid adventurers or miserable wayfayrers.
Life is what we make it.
The glass is always either half empty or full - it is the fool who has a more determined point of view that makes a happier fool. Does that make any sense at all?
Let's take that example. A glass of water (or Pepsi). To someone who doesn't like soda - to see the glass as half empty might be a relief if they are *required* by some twisted rule - to FINISH the soda. To someone who is thirsty and has no other drink available, half a glass is not enough, so they'll take what they can as quickly as they can.
So which is better now? Half empty or half full?
Perspective, darlings, that's what it's all about.
When I feel so overwhelmed, I take a step back from everything and just - do nothing.
Re-assess where I'm at and how I truly feel about things, and try to take a good look at the state of my life at the moment.
Things could always be better, but there doesn't seem much sense in complaining.
Acknowledge your lot in life, and make the best of what you've got.
I told a friend today that even negative feelings can best be dealt with by just letting the feeling sit with you. Identify, Acknowledge, wallow if you must (but not for too long), and move on.
Keep moving.
You're alive, be glad that you are.
Things can and will get better.
Believe it.
Life is good, regardless of the circumstance... The Universe Has A Plan, that's what I'm sayin'!
Monday, September 19, 2011
A Lifted post.. From a friend's FB Wall, taken from Exceptional Living.
The Radical Self Love Manifesto
Strive to always be thankful and optimistic.
Focus your gaze on what is good and positive; never dwell on the negative.
Do not allow life to make you cynical or closed off.
Remaining open and true to yourself is a life-long adventure, and the only one worth having.
Choose to see the best in people.
Strike up conversations with strangers.
Never be afraid to ask for what you really, really want.
To love, purely and fiercely, without agenda, is the most terrifying and rewarding thing you'll ever do.
Travel is essential to the spirit.
A pair of great shoes means nothing if you have an ugly heart.
Try your hardest not to judge anyone else; it never leads anywhere good.
Always avoid tabloids and gossip; they destroy the soul.
Be kind and loyal.
Many things in this world are more important than money.
Always trust your intuition, always.
Rescue animals, it will strengthen your heart.
Never delight in anyone else's misery.
Trust in others.
You are your own best investment.
Believe in the magic of a new day and a fresh start.
Follow your bliss.
Do more of what you love.
Always do the best you can.
Create your own family and care for them ferociously.
When people offer you opportunities that scare you, say yes: it's the very best way to grow.
You are never as stuck as you think.
Stay eager.
Love yourself.
Say YES to the adventure of Life.
Written by Gala Darling
Strive to always be thankful and optimistic.
Focus your gaze on what is good and positive; never dwell on the negative.
Do not allow life to make you cynical or closed off.
Remaining open and true to yourself is a life-long adventure, and the only one worth having.
Choose to see the best in people.
Strike up conversations with strangers.
Never be afraid to ask for what you really, really want.
To love, purely and fiercely, without agenda, is the most terrifying and rewarding thing you'll ever do.
Travel is essential to the spirit.
A pair of great shoes means nothing if you have an ugly heart.
Try your hardest not to judge anyone else; it never leads anywhere good.
Always avoid tabloids and gossip; they destroy the soul.
Be kind and loyal.
Many things in this world are more important than money.
Always trust your intuition, always.
Rescue animals, it will strengthen your heart.
Never delight in anyone else's misery.
Trust in others.
You are your own best investment.
Believe in the magic of a new day and a fresh start.
Follow your bliss.
Do more of what you love.
Always do the best you can.
Create your own family and care for them ferociously.
When people offer you opportunities that scare you, say yes: it's the very best way to grow.
You are never as stuck as you think.
Stay eager.
Love yourself.
Say YES to the adventure of Life.
Written by Gala Darling
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