Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thankful Thoughts

The past few days have been less than stellar for me.

Waiting for Ghost Month to end its run and the disturbing developments in the news keep on coming. I really should consider giving up watching television for a while. But then again, how realistic is that? Hmmmm.

I have to make a conscious effort not to foam at the mouth or hyperventilate as I recount the various issues that upset me - usually issues I can't really do anything about. It's a losing and pointless battle, I know.

Having Lupus has been a tiring experience - today, I woke up feeling worse than usual - with my body screaming in various degrees of pain and moving seems to be punishment for not being dead.

It's also been interesting living with bipolar disorder, but I've managed fairly well without medication for a while now, it is only recently that I've been having anxiety issues again.

In this light - I start to think of what there is to be grateful for.

I'm grateful for my dog. Logan is the love of my life. My raison d'ĂȘtre. He makes waking up a worthwhile thing.

I'm grateful for my family. Their support and understanding has been phenomenal and I am so lucky that I was born into this crazy coterie.

I'm grateful for my friends. Lucky that I've been blessed with so many creative, colorful and quirky individuals who I love to spend time with and who always make me feel so blessed because they are in my life.

I was told that better days are coming - and in my sarcasm - I hope that means that all the bad people will drop dead or will all be thrown to the sharks or lions to be disemboweled or ripped to shreds. But all right, to be more reasonable, I'll settle for World Peace. Is that too much to ask?!

The Universe loves me, and I shouldn't forget that.

So, I'm grateful for another day on this planet. Thank you to all of you who make my life so memorable. Your support has been instrumental in vastly improving my quality of life, simply because you are all part of it.

I wish you peace. I wish you freedom from pain and anxiety and of course - I wish you love.

Better days are coming, and I'm sure we'll all be there to enjoy it when it does.

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