Enjoy life while you can.
The sister of a friend passed away two days ago and I visited the wake last night. I went clear across town - more for the bereaved rather than the one who has passed on.
This is especially true for the wake I took part in (albeit for a brief period of time) in order to give my friend a hug and to let her know, tangibly that, aside from her immediate family there are friends who will stand by her through what is possibly one of the most trying moments of a person's life.
The sudden, unexpected loss of a loved one.
Many times I forget what a gift it is to have those I love within an arm's length, a hug, a text message or a phone call away. I am guilty of passing by those I keep near and dear in my heart with not so much as a glance and quick smile. possibly too wrapped up in whatever it is I am doing or feel that I need to do that I don't have enough time to pay attention to anything or anyone else. This happens more times than I care to remember - why? You ask. Because they are always there anyway, and it isn't like I won't see them again in possibly a few minutes or in the morning when I wake up.
But...what if. . .
...I don't wake up?
...they don't wake up?
...something unpleasant happens between the time I last see them and the next time we meet?
Not to be setting a morbid, depressing or negative mood here. This is meant more as a reality check.
A gentle, although maybe not so subtle reminder to myself, a mental note via this blog entry, as you will - to take every opportunity to let those who matter to me *know* that I care about them.
When I am mindful, I remember to check in and ask family and friends how their day has been, or even the more common question - "have you eaten yet?" if only by way of checking in and letting them know - hey, you matter to me and even in the most mundane way, I'd like to make sure that things are all right in your world.
I want to remember to take the time and check in with those who matter to me, to those who make a difference in my life simply because they are part of it.
Reality check -
Death is inevitable.
Sometimes those we love leave this world when we least expect, and even when their demise is something that isn't too much of a surprise (as may be the case with the terminally or chronically ill) the moment you find out that they are gone will always be a blow you can't begin to imagine until the truth and reality of someone's death stares you in the face.
I hope I remember to take time to let those I care about know that they are important.
That I am here for them if they need me and that I'd be more than happy to help them if I can in whatever capacity I can muster given the circumstances. MY circumstances, to be more specific. I might not always announce my availability or willingness, but I can only hope that they trust me enough to know that all they need to do is ask.
Life should be lived, experienced, enjoyed, LIVED.
While we can - for as long as we can.
I don't claim that I have it perfect and that there aren't things in my life that I sometimes wish weren't so difficult. There are in fact many days when waking up with a sore EVERYTHING after a fitful sleep makes getting up and out of bed to face the day a less than happy thought - but - I get up anyway.
There remains things to be done, people to see, family and friends to hug, greet, text, share jokes and laugh or hang out with, articles, blog entries to be written, books to be read, books to be written and pets to feed.
(ok, fish count, as do turtles).
As long as I am alive, then I will take every opportunity to make use of the time I've got.
If that includes a doughnut, coffee or Pepsi, then you won't hear any objections from me!
I can only hope that when my time is up, people will say - it was good while it lasted, and she had the time of her life while she could.
And since I am still around, I choose to celebrate life.
I salute those who have gone before, have fun and spend quality time with people in my life who matter and wait eagerly to cheer for those who are yet to come.
If you are reading this - you, yes I mean YOU - Smile, I love you!!! Thank you for being part of my life, y'all make this a fun ride. Salamat Po!
It's all good, folks. Really.