What I AM though, is a fan of local singer, Sarah Geronimo or Sarah G, as she is more popularly called lately. Yes, THE Popstar Princess.
It was with mixed emotions that I found out that she was having a show at The Glorietta in Makati on - (God Help Me!) Valentine's Day. It being, in my mind, the worst possible day to be at a mall - ANY mall. I was determined to catch the show.
I think I just went and lost my mind.
My mom was more than willing to help me accomplish this, so that part of the plan was set.
We were going to head to the mall early to get parking easily and beat the 'Valentine's Rush".
Up until yesterday, the closest encounter I've had with Sarah G was to watch her concerts at The Araneta Coliseum (sometimes alone if necessary) and at least once with my parents in tow. I also try to catch her show Sarah G, Live! on television. The tv show, although popular, just had it's Finale the past weekend. *Insert Sad Face here*
So that is how I ended up deciding to troop to a mall on Valentine's Day despite the invisible "Abandon Hope All Ye who Enter Here" sign I saw in my head.
A CD purchase entitles you to sit in the cordoned off audience area right in front of the small stage, an "intimate" setting compared to the massive concert venue that is The Araneta Coliseum.
I sat in my wheelchair and made friends with the people around me. I found out that the red stub that came with the CD meant I could get Sarah to sign the disc after the show.
My brain went on neutral.
I didn't think I'd get a chance to actually see her up close!
I tried not to hyperventilate.
As the show started, I was swept up in what felt like a mass hallucination and gave in to the general hysteria of fans around me who were avidly singing along or cheering as the performance took place.
I tried to take photos with my mobile phone, but it was getting in the way of my actually "watching" and enjoying the show, plus I noticed early on that signal jammers seemed to be in effect because I could not get online, so I figured it was pointless to add a photo on Instagram at that moment.
So I put my phone away after a few attempts at mobile photography.
I gave in. I cheered, clappped and sang along with the rest of the "Popsters" in the audience that day. For that moment, I was one of them, and it was splendid!
As the show ended and the audience was invited to form a single line in front of the stage, my new found friends were nice enough to offer to help me find my way to the stage for my turn to get my CD signed.
As we inched along, I looked at everyone around me and was impressed by the fanbase that this performer had. You could feel the love. Some fans had lighted posters, several had bouquets and roses and even stuffed toys to give to their idol. I had just my CD which I was going to get autographed. It was all so surreal!
When I was finally standing in front of the table where Sarah G was sitting, I was rendered speechless as I looked into the eyes of this girl whom I've only seen on television and several hundred feet away on a stage. She looked back at me kindly enough and I managed to say my name for her to scribble on the CD I had with me.
I can see why fans would have a "The heavens opened up and angels wept" moment when faced with someone they admire.
Sarah made success seem more accessible. She was talented, but still so very real. Despite what must be a busy schedule, she appeared serene in the midst of chaos. There were marshals surrounding the table to ensure that the signing went on as smoothly as possible,discouraging photos in the name of expediency. The managers standing nearby were firm, but not unkind. As I smiled at Sarah in front of me, it felt like looking into an oasis in the desert. As I walked off, I told her to give her a dogs (Yorkshire Terriers like my dog, Logan) a hug for me. She nodded back, smiling.
I have gotten teased for being a fan of Sarah G, from friends who found it amusing that I seriously go and watch this singer's concerts or buy her CDs but I don't mind. I enjoy listening to her sing and watching her perform and she seems like a really nice kid on top of all that!
I'll be waiting to watch her movies and will make it a point to see her upcoming concerts and yes, buy the audio CDs. Say what you want, I think Sarah G is Amazeballs!
To quote the screaming fans in the audience - "We Love You Sarah!!!!!" ;-)